Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Steal VS Splurge?

Let's be honest, designer things are of course lovely but they tend to break the bank and the time spent pondering over "to buy or not buy" is simply a waste. Listen up, there is no such thing as a "One of a Kind" now a days. It does not exist, consumers finally got smart and decided to take a few notes from the high end designers that charge hundreds of dollars and make them for us normal humans at a decent price. Below you will see exactly what I mean, can you take the challenge and spot the steal? Best of Luck!

Top Row: Which is a steal at $36.36 vs $495? 
Bottom Row: Which is a steal at $49 vs $95?

Top Row: Which is the steal at $59 vs $286?
Bottom Row: Which is a steal at $29.99 vs $89?

Top Row: Which is a steal at $49 vs $150?
Bottom Row: Which is the steal at $19.99 vs $195?

Here are 6 great examples that you don't need to spend a fortune to still look good! Plus only you will know the label! Shop smart, I can't tell you how many times I have splurged and later regretted when I found a much cheaper version out there! Tomorrow I will post the answers!

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